Monday, November 22

My Laptop Is Back

Welcome back my lovely laptop. 10 days is too long and without computer and internet is very bad. I cannot pay my bills, cannot manage my account, cannot buy online top up and cannot do anything through online.

I totally using online banking for my bill payment and installment, connecting with friends and family using internet and shopping with the internet. This is the weaknesses when you are too dependent on the internet.

Internet make you easier but will make your life difficult if you are too dependent on it. I just have to press computer button to pay my bills. When my laptop and internet down, I'm so lazy to pay manually with long queues at counter.

Now... my internet life is back! I can live without handphone but I cannot live without computer and internet.

Berlagak beb. Macam laa zaman jadi budak koreng dulu dah ada internet. Dulu, itu laa dok beratur panjang kat kaunter dengan penuh kesetiaan nak membayar segala bil. Tak ada pulak nak kisah. Gua pernah beratur bermeter-meter sampai kat luar post office semata-mata mau bayar bil. Kena bayar hari tu jugak kalau tak, karen kena potong.

Hahaha... mengada-ngada aje kan?

Sekarang kalau lupa bayar walaupun hari terakhir sepatutnya bil kena bayar, gua online saja. Pukul 11 malam pun masih boleh membayar bil.

Ok, cukup laa. Dah macam iklan broadband dan internet aje bunyinya.
Really worth it when I bought an additional 2 years warranty for my laptop. It suffered heart failure when the motherboard damaged, the webcam broken and DVD writter is also damaged. Another month to complete 3 years, my laptop stop working. Just in time! Still under warranty. If not, my money will be floated out.
I got new motherboard, webcam and DVD writter for my laptop. It's free. Really worth it!

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