Wednesday, December 1

Hari-hari Terakhir Jadi CIK: Part 1

First day in December and I'm very nervous.

OMG! I have another 18 days left and the status will change. I would assume the big respossibilities soon.


kanda said...

hahahaha...BESAR sangat lah tu...
being nervous is good sayang =)
it shows that you have great feelings! hehehe...hey, its normal to be

JUST BE'll be and do GREAT! Make adjustments wherever needed, but NOT everywhere.

i'm all ears and hugs whenever you need me =)
loves you so much sayang. there's no word to describe, and I'm soooo HAPPY for you =)
take great care...the day is inching nearer

big hugs and kisses

Rina said...

hahaha... besar laa tu. nak jd isteri org kena jg perangai. dah tak boleh main kejar2 dgn adik2 lg.

thanks to support me!